I've had quite a delay between posts because I lost the Browse button on my image upload page. Blogger posted that it would be fixed this week, but it still hasn't been fixed - frustrating! I have now tried the conversion to HTML to upload images, and then back to Compose to edit the blog and this has worked fine for me ... this time...
This is a post I began writing a fortnight ago...
A little late for a December posting, but the Altered book has just gone in the (royal mail) post and now I've got time to (blog) post.
December walk opening page |
December walk - in the middle of the walk |
December has been very wet in our neck of the woods, and has left some very deep marks on our landscape. An Artist friend,
Zoe Heath, had recently demonstrated some lovely techniques at the school where I teach, and I have incorporated some into the textures she uses into this book.
December walk end page |
The paths have been deeply rutted, wet rich soil has been been clinging to our boots, and the dog's feet. I needed richer textures and heavy marks which the monoprint and shellac combined were happy to provide.
My next book walk may need to respond to the forecast snow and ice.