Sunday 12 May 2013

Stepping out

The mini print show is ticking along nicely, the team at the Co-operative have notched up 10 sales on the first weekend, not bad given the current retail climate. I invigilated for a few hours last weekend and it was great to hear how interested people were in technique as well as subject matter.

Overwhelmingly the visitors were drawn to the most colourful prints that the Printmaking Co-operative were showing, or those featuring animals and insects.

So flying in the face of any thought of popular preferences I have gone on to complete my set of black and white, landscape mini prints!  - the thing is we can only enjoy making what we ourselves love, and be glad we are all different.

Two more views along Steps Lane...

'Step up'

'Step out'

1 comment:

LAC EMP 2020 said...

I find that observation about buyer preference really interesting. I wonder if the choice is slanted by whether you understand the processes involved or not? Similarly it begs the question as to whether you print things you want to print or whether you print images you know that will sell. I think you have the right attitude to do what you need to make. Good luck with the remaining weekends.